I Know Who I am inside and outside,and I know what I want to do. And I will always go with my dreams- Michael Jackson
I think that was well said.
I figure I start off with a quote first. OK so here I Am making blogs,and you viewers know nothing about me. So i need to get few things of my Breast excuse me Chest(ha ha) anyways...Just listen
My name is Shanowa,I don't like to be called nothing else but my name Shanowa,or Nowa but many seem to always call me Nowa Baby, which is cool.My name is so unique,I laugh after writing this to check my spelling and they had my name highlighted as a error. Laughing because I am happy my name is not common because nothing about me says common. Shanowa who is she? well I am creative,Art and photography is something that I find beautiful as well as Amazing. So many ideas but I think that I really do Think too damn much.Breaking rules is something that I do with out even realzing it. Yes I am the sweetest but can be the bitchiest,secretive,have an attitude of don't try that SHIT with me( I can smell bullshit,games and a rat from a mile away), Down to earth/Old fashion kind of girl who loves people because there is so much to learn from them. I do my own thing and have my own style. I wear what I want,Do what I please,Listen to everything. I love,and I mean Love Lipstick,Lipgloss was like really last last year. Still Continues to adore clothes bring around fashion since birth(My mother designed most of my clothes as a youngster. I love everything and anything about fashion.I have so many magazines from vogue,teen vogue,Nylon,Glamour,In-Style,Bazaar, and Elle. I can date back from collecting during my pre teenage years. I honestly have too damn many and made my once clothes drawer now are replaced with my magazines. Do not get me wrong there are times when I want to close my eyes and throw away every single magazine but a dear friend of mines says to keep collecting. Its crazy how I never saw me as a collector until opening my eyes to fashion.
Fashion:clothes was always my first love,does that make me materialistic or could there be a possibility that your second-Shanowa J.

Not only do I want to do anything and everything that deals with fashion but I want to produce,direct movies,plays as well,make beats too,that's something different, a challenge for myself. My brother Paris is teaching me even though Hcho the boss was as well but that's another story. I will yell at him another time. ha ha. Shout out to Demevolist just to throw that out there. OK so moving on. i know that's alot of goals that I have and how would i ever have time to get to point A let alone Point B but I keep saying this in the back of my head. When i say I am tired think about when its all done,god will let me rest,so until then work hard. I just Do not want to say i want to do this because I want to do everything. I would like to have my name everywhere. Shanowa Johnson. I come from a very talented background Why wouldn't I make it. You have to follow your dreams no matter what and always say i know instead of I hope. OK what else about me I am a procrastinator I admitted that,but I think I really have A.D.D. I have so many ideas,that i start one project and move on to another(I mean look how long it took me to write another blog) But don't get me wrong when I come back to pick where i left off,I honestly take a break from the world and go missing Literally. Lock myself in my room and write on my fire escape and will continue keep writing until I have a few writing pieces and are fully complete. I do not watch TV like most teenagers do,unless its Friends,sex and the city,Married with children,will and grace,home Improvement,Living single,Martin,Wayne's,Jefferson's, and Good times...Basically I watch old classic TV shows. To sum up this fake ass bio. I am me, The Procrastinator,The Bitch,The Sweetheart,The Weirdo,the overachiever, I am a female who is comfortable with herself and knows what she wants. And What I want is to follow my million and one dreams.
For the last time I am one of a kind,They have a better chance of cloning me than finding another Shanowa J.

Thanks have a Dashing day Beautiful people.

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