Lets Take a look at a Few Classic Animated films
Beauty and the Beast:

In the beginning of the film, It is a introduction on how the Beast became the beast. He was once a handsome prince who was rude and was one day tested, By a old lady asking him for shelter. He turned her down numerous times, the last time she was transformed into a beautiful fairy who put a spell on the Prince. Transforming him into a Horrible looking Beast. She gave him one rose Petal which was said that he would have to find true love before the last petal falls or he dies. The movie then continues with a tale On A young female name Belle who looks for her father who has been captured. When searching for him she come across old Dungeon Castle, where the owner is A beast and has Captured not only her but has held her father prisoner as well. Belle than makes a deal with the Beast in order for her father to go, she will switch places with him and be the beast Prisoner.
Skipping a few scenes in the movie, as a few seasons pass Belle and the beast have a little Chemistry. The beast who in fact is not letting his guard down for Belle, but has Feelings for her. Belle teachings him to be gentle and caring( i.e. Petting birds, reading novels, having dinner, dancing and learning how to eat with a fork) something that the Beast is not used to. Without knowing it The beast Has change, because of his feelings for Belle. But his appearances of the Features of a lion and Beast looks made him not give his all to Belle. But loving Belle saw more to him. After a few season, he decides to let her go,Returning back home to her father. The town founds out that there is A beast and now they are in groups planning on Killing him. Belle pleads and says he is a good and different and shows the town him, by using a magic mirror which was a gift from The Beast that shows people, upon the request. Instead of helping the Beast, she makes it worst and the town people are after him. The last petal from a rose has fallen,weakling the Beast. Than Gaston(Belle’s annoying stalker) wants to fight The beast. After a few knife fights, the Beast wins, but is badly hurt. Belle comes but that is a little to late. She holds him and cries, which shows her true feelings for him. A few graphics later he transform back into the handsome Prince but this time a caring, loving Man. And they live Happily ever after.

Does someone physical Appearance matters when it comes to love? or was it the fact that opposite attracts regardless of looks. The fact that The Beast was changing on the inside.
Sleeping Beauty:
My question is why couldn't she save herself? instead of waiting for a guy to rescue her. But then I asked a few of my friends and they Said that Sometimes you need someone to save you when you fall even if its for a few seconds.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:

A Beautiful Genuine Princess who runs away After her Vain Aunt who is jealous of her Beauty,place orders for huntsmen to Kill Snow White. Instead of killing her the huntsmen Lets her flee,telling her to run far away. As she run she comes across an empty cottage ,as she enters Finds seven small chairs in the cottage's dining room which she assumes is for seven small children. She then cleans making the home comfy,later on she is approached by seven dwarfs. These seven dwarfs all have different personalities, they allow her to stay after realizing she cooks and cleans. She continues to live with the Seven dwarfs. After the Queen who is Snow White's Aunt realizing that she is still alive and disguises herself as an old lady,which tricks Snow Whites into trusting her. A apple is then given to Snow White which is poisoned and that sends her into a deep sleep and can only be broken by a true loves kiss. The dwarfs return to their cottage,finding Snow White seemingly dead. Unwilling to bury her body out of sight in the ground, they instead place her in a glass coffin. Together with the woodland creatures, they keep watch over her body.After several seasons pass, a prince learns of her plight and visits her coffin. Captivated by her beauty, he kisses her,which breaks the spell and awakens her. The dwarfs and animals all rejoice as Snow White and the prince ride off to the prince's castle

A great Fairy Tail,teaches that not all people in life are Vain and are bad. There are still great amazing people.
Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet: About two individuals who come from different backgrounds. Where they families are actually rivals,which makes it harder for them to be together. After a few killings from both sides,Juliet realizes her duty is to love Romeo. They decided to wed after Romeo speaks to her about his true love for her. They finally are wed and are happy,until Juliet gets news that her father wants her to marry someone else. She afraid because she is already married to Romeo. Coming up with a plan to fake her death with A potion,the day comes and goes as plan until Romeo finds her,not knowing its a fake death. He then drinks the potion and kills himself. Juliet is then awake to find him dead next to her,she tries to kiss his lips but fails. She then get is dagger and kills herself. They both are dead together.

My question is true love is hard to find,but is it worth risking your life?
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