Greek Mythology States that Greek God Narcissus was the definition of Beauty;Never able to look at his own reflection. He was not just known for his features but for the fact he rejceted every Nymphs who ever Loved him. Echo Who told fascinated stories and always had the last word until she was cursed. Now only repeating the last word of another individual. It was not until Echo came upon Beautiful Narcissus that she realize her cursed can affect her. She could not be the first to speak wishing to get his attention. Following him around until Finally Narcissus noticed Echo and rejected her just like the others. It is said that One of his lovers asked Artemisis( the goddess of the wilderness, the hunt and wild animals, and fertility) to punish Narcissus: “let him find out what it's like to love someone you can never have”. After deer hunting he came upon a lake were he tried to receive water and came upon beauty. Admired by the presence of beauty he touched the reflection Not knowing that the t was himself who was the water reflection. Finally feeling whats it's like to love something that does not love him back backfired. Gazing upon himself he just sat there and apparently died.
Karma, Karma, and Karma Or could it be he finally realize he was first to love himself before loving others??According to Thomas Moore "that the greatest "curses" in our lives are actually blessings in disguise because not until we are in a state of need, do we desire change.So was Narcissus in a state of transition?? The reflection he notice was much deeper than the surface, and for the first time he was able to see himself as an object who was now able to love himself.

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