At Tuesday's party in New York to celebrate the launch of Vevo, which is the music-video site supported by three of the four top labels and Google, Lady Gaga lifted her whiskey glass to toast Vevo and Doug Morris, CEO of Universal Music Group, the label that represents her and founded Vevo.
and the Style that was dashing at the launch party was Rihanna's I must say stupid....def next halloween party or party at my house lets dress up. theme will be called the abusive couple party I be Chris Brown you be riRi haha xoxo
I laugh at my own jokes :-),and there is nothing that I CAN NOT DO.
Quote me bitch Fashion,clothes,art and music was always my first love,does that make me materialistic or could there be a possibility that your second,"Have you not notice by now Im the type of princess who doesnt wait for the prince to come and save her...I do the slaying of the dragon all by myself...just to say I did it. not you."Shanowa j -Shanowa J.
I dead want to wear that outfit Rihanna has on. stupid....def next halloween party or party at my house lets dress up. theme will be called the abusive couple party I be Chris Brown you be riRi haha xoxo